Monday, April 27, 2020

Feast Day of Saint Louis de Montfort

Feast Day:  April 28 
Saint Louis de Montfort

On April 28, the universal Church celebrates the feast day of Louis-Marie de Monfort, a 17th century saint who is revered for his intense devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
St. Louis-Marie is perhaps most famously known for his prayer of entrustment to Our Lady, “Totus Tuus ego sum,” which means, “I am all yours.” The late-Pope John Paul II took the phrase “Totus Tuus” as his episcopal motto.
Born in Montfort, Brittany, on January 31, 1673, St. Louis-Marie possessed a strong devotion to the Blessed Sacrament as a child, and was also intimately devoted to the Blessed Virgin, especially through the Rosary. He took the name Marie at his confirmation.
The saint manifested a love for the poor while he was at school and joined a society of young men who ministered to the poor and the sick on school holidays. When he was 19, he walked 130 miles to Paris to study theology, gave all he had to the poor that he met along the way and made a vow to live only on alms. After his ordination at 27, he served as a hospital chaplain until the management of the hospital resented his reorganization of the staff and sent him away.
St. Louis-Marie discovered his great gift for preaching at the age of 32, and committed himself to it for the rest of his life. He met with such great success that he often drew crowds of thousands to hear his sermons in which he encouraged frequent communion and devotion to Mary.
But he also met with opposition, especially from the Jansenists, a heretical movement within the Church that believed in absolute Predestination, in which only a chosen few are saved, and the rest damned. Much of France was influenced by Jansenism, including many bishops, who banished St. Loius-Marie from preaching in their dioceses. He was even poisoned by Jansenists in La Rochelle, but survived, though he suffered ill health after.
While recuperating from the effects of the poisoning, he wrote the masterpiece of Marian piety, "True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin," which he correctly prophesied would be hidden by the devil for a time. His seminal work was discovered 200 years after his death.
One year before he died, St. Louis-Marie founded two congregations: the Daughters of Divine Wisdom – which tended to the sick in hospitals and the education of poor girls, and the Company of Mary, missionaries devoted to preaching and to spreading devotion to Mary.

Friday, April 10, 2020

A native of Jharkhand, Sister Sienna of Mother Teresa Dies from COVID-19 in United Kingdom

A native of Jharkhand, Sister Sienna of Mother Teresa Dies from COVID-19 contracted while bringing Food to Infected - RIP Sr. Sienna

COVID-19 has caused the death of a 73-year-old Sister of the Missionaries of Charity in the United Kingdom. Sister Sienna was admitted to hospital with complications of the viral infection and died due to the coronavirus on April 1, 2020.

The nun was working with the poor in Swansea, Wales, some near London. She was involved in distributing food and to those affected by the coronavirus. A native of Jharkhand state in India, Sister Sienna has served the community in England. She was also active in the spiritual services of the Indian Catholic community and had been a Sister for 50 years, noted Sr. Bresilla, in Kolkata.

The Sisters also ask for Prayer because now all the other sisters in her convent have contracted the virus.

The Statement from the convent said: With deep sorrow, we inform you that Sister Sienna M. C. (Missionaries of Charity founded by Mother Teresa), 73, from Swansea Convent (Wales, United Kingdom) contracted Covid-19 while serving the sick & has gone for her Eternal rest with our Lord yesterday. She was admitted to hospital last week. She is from Jharkhand, India. Please pray for the repose of her soul.

Kindly pray for the other M. C. Sisters in her convent. All the Sisters in her community are infected with the same disease & one is very serious. R. I. P., Sr Sienna, M.C.

-Vitae Christi media report.

Good Friday 10th April 2020

Good Friday
"It is accomplished; and bowing his head he gave up his spirit." We adore Thee, O Christ, and we praise Thee. Because by Thy Holy Cross Thou hast redeemed the world.

Today the whole Church mourns the death of our Saviour. This is traditionally a day of sadness, spent in fasting and prayer. The title for this day varies in different parts of the world: "Holy Friday" for Latin nations. Some view the term "Good Friday" (used in English and Dutch) as a corruption of the term "God's Friday." This is another obligatory day of fasting and abstinence.


According to the Church's ancient tradition, the sacraments are not celebrated on Good Friday nor Holy Saturday. "Celebration of the Lord's Passion," traditionally known as the "Mass of the Presanctified," (although it is not a mass) is usually celebrated around three o'clock in the afternoon, or later, depending on the needs of the parish.

The altar is completely bare, with no clothes, candles nor cross. The service is divided into three parts: Liturgy of the Word, Veneration of the Cross and Holy Communion. The priest and deacons wear red or black vestments. The liturgy starts with the priests and deacons going to the altar in silence and prostrating themselves for a few moments in silent prayer, then an introductory prayer is prayed.

1️⃣In part one, the Liturgy of the Word, we hear the most famous of the Suffering Servant passages from Isaiah (52:13-53:12), a prefigurement of Christ on Good Friday. Psalm 30 is the Responsorial Psalm "Father, I put my life in your hands." The Second Reading, or Epistle, is from the letter to the Hebrews, 4:14-16; 5:7-9. The Gospel Reading is the Passion of St. John.

The General Intercessions conclude the Liturgy of the Word. The ten intercessions cover these areas:
• For the Church
• For the Pope
• For the clergy and laity of the Church
• For those preparing for baptism
• For the unity of Christians
• For the Jewish people
• For those who do not believe in Christ
• For those who do not believe in God
• For all in public office
• For those in special need

2️⃣Part two is the Veneration of the Cross. A cross, either veiled or unveiled, is processed through the Church, and then venerated by the congregation. We joyfully venerate and kiss the wooden cross "on which hung the Saviour of the world." During this time the "Reproaches" are usually sung or recited.

3️⃣Part three, Holy Communion, concludes the Celebration of the Lord's Passion. The altar is covered with a cloth and the ciboriums containing the Blessed Sacrament are brought to the altar from the place of reposition. The Our Father and the Ecce Agnus Dei ("This is the Lamb of God") are recited. The congregation receives Holy Communion, there is a "Prayer After Communion," and then a "Prayer Over the People," and everyone departs in silence.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Indian Catholic Youth Movement, Bagdogra


 Indian Catholic Youth Movement

The Indian Catholic Youth Movement (ICYM) is the largest Premier Catholic youth movement in India. It is spread across 686 districts in India. The ICYM functions through 14 Regions & 132 Dioceses. It is an organisation for the Catholic youth from the Latin rite of the Christian community across India. The patron saint of Indian Catholic Youth Movement is St. Gonsalo Garcia.  


The dreams and aspirations of thousands of youth, animators, directors and bishops turned into a reality when Catholic Bishops' Conference of India (CBCI) had approved ICYM as a National Movement for the youth on 14 September 1999.
In 2017, following the bifurcation of the three rites in India (Latin, Syro-malabar, Syro-malankara) the ICYM was shifted and adopted by the CCBI (Conference of Catholic Bishops of India), as the National Youth Movement of the Latin Catholic Youth in India. It now stands as the official youth movement of the National Youth Commission of CCBI.

Patron Saint

The patron of ICYM is St. Gonsalo Garcia, a Portuguese Indian who was born in the western coastal town of Vasai and died as a martyr in Japan and is venerated as a saint, one of the Twenty-six Martyrs of Japan so venerated. Garcia was beatified in 1627 by Pope Urban VIII and canonised as a saint by Pope Pius XI on 8 June 1862.  

History of Bagdogra Diocese:

Area : 1,110 ; Total Population: 9,35,000
Catholics :  59,034
Languages spoken :
Hindi, Bengali, Oraon, Sadri, Santali, Nepali, English. 

In the early part of the twentieth century, when the Tea Gardens in the foothills of Darjeeling required labourers, many Adivasis from Chotanagpur migrated to the Terai Plains and gradually settled down there. The Jesuit Fathers from St. Mary’s College, Kurseong, looked after the spiritual needs of the Adivasi Catholics, quite regularly. The first Station was established at Gayaganga in 1933 by Fr. A Bossaerts, SJ. The area called the “Terai” (Siliguri sub-division and part of Kurseong sub-division in the district of Darjeeling) was part of the Diocese of Darjeeling which was established in 1962. As the number of Catholics and local vocations increased, and for better care of the Faithful, Pope John Paul II divided the Diocese of Darjeeling, and thus the Diocese of Bagdogra was created on 14th June 1997, with Bishop Thomas D’Souza as its first Bishop. On 12th March 2011, Pope Benedict XVI appointed Bishop Thomas D’Souza as Co-adjutor Archbishop of Calcutta, appointing him at the same time Apostolic Administrator of Bagdogra.
After a wait of 4 years on April 08, 2015, Pope Francis appointed Msgr. Vincent Aind as its second Bishop. 

 Parishes, Quasi-Parishes (QP) & Stations under Catholic Diocese of Bagdogra

BAGDOGRA: Good Shepherd (1969)
  • (Cathedral) Bagdogra P.O., 734014, Darjeeling Dt.,
    Tel.: (0353) 2551060; 2552101; 2552598, C: 6,991, Sbs: 7
ADHIKARI : St. Thomas Apostle (1982)
  • Franciscan Ashram, Adhikari P.O. 734427,
    Darjeeling Dt.;  ; C: 2,047, Sbs: 3
BHIMBHAR : Our Lady of Lourdes (1963)
  • Catholic Church, Bhimbhar, Sahabad P.O. 734431
    Darjeeling Dt.,  ; C: 9,694, Sbs: 2
  • Catholic Churh, Titlidangi, P.O. Bidhan Nagar - 734426
    Darjeeling Dt. ; C: 880
CHATTERHAT : St. Thomas Apostle (1979)
  • Catholic Church, Chatterhat P.O. 734426
    Darjeeling Dt.  C: 3,900, Sbs: 3
FAUDIJOTE : St. Francis Xavier (1979),
  • Catholic Church, Faudijote, Buraganj P.O.
    734426, via Kamala T.E., Darjeeling Dt.
     C: 4,038, Sbs: 2 
GARIDHURA : Mary, Mother of God (2006)
  • Catholic Church, Marionbarie T.E., P.O. Sumilbarie,
    Darjeeling Dt.; C: 904; 
  • Tel.: (0353) 2572241
GAYAGANGA St. Peter Canisius (1933),
  • Catholic Church, Gayaganga P.O. 734426, Darjeeling Dt;
    Tel.: (0353) 2003309; C: 6,639, Sbs: 1
GOOMGOOMA: St. Ignatius Loyola (1993)
  • Catholic Church, Hatighisa P.O., 734429 , Darjeeling Dt.
     C: 2,269
GULMA : St. Teresa of Child Jesus (1993)
  • Catholic Church, Champasari P.O.Siliguri, Darjeeling Dt.
    Tel.: (0353) 2577107;  C: 1,828
GWALTOLI-PHANSIDEWA: St. Alphonsa (2008)
  • (QP) Village : Limbutari, Nijbari P.O. via Phansidewa - 734434
    Darjeeling Dt.,  C: 1039
HANSQUA : St. Paul (2008)
  • Catholic Church
    Hansqua, P.O. Tarvandha via Bagdogra-734014
  • Darjeeling Dt.; C: 2997
HATIGHISA : St. Vincent de Paul (1969)
  • Catholic Church, Hatighisa P.O. 734429, Darjeeling Dt
  •  C: 3,760
MAILANIJOTE: Rosa Mystica (1990)
  • Catholic Church, P.O. Kamala T.E. 734426, Darjeeling Dt.
  •  C: 3,408
MATIGARA : Prabhu Jisu (1992)
  • Catholic Church, P.B. No. 3,
  • Matigara P.O.-734010, Darjeeling Dt.,
  • C: 659
NEW CHUMTA: St. John Mary Vianney (1986)
  • Catholic Church, New Chumta P.O. 724225
  • Darjeeling Dt., Tel.: (0353) 2575383,
PANIGHATTA: St. Joseph the Worker (1987)
  • Catholic Church, Panighatta Bazar P.O. 734423
  • Darjeeling Dt. ;Tel.: (0353) 2557052, C: 3,150, Sbs: 2
SILIGURI : Our Lady Queen (1956)
  • Catholic Church, Pradhan Nagar P.O. 734003
  • Siliguri, Darjeeling Dt., Tel.: (0353) 2511791,
  • C:2,053
SILIGURI TOWN : Sacred Heart of Jesus (2000)
  • Jisu Bhavan Catholic Centre,
  • 2nd bylane, Raja Ram Mohan Roy Road
  • Hakimpara, P.O. Siliguri - 734001; Darjeeling Dt.,

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